Teens (13-18)
Gentle Yoga
Join us once a month on the first Saturday, for a gentle, restorative free yoga session taught by a yoga instruction. Please bring a yoga mat or towel. Sessions will be held at 10:00 a.m. Participants of all ages are welcome.
Knit Night
Calling all knitters, crocheters, stitchers, quilters, and crafters! Join us for an evening of creative fun and fellowship! Knit Night is held every second Wednesday and every fourth and fifth Thursday from 5:30-7 pm in the library.
- All Music Guide
- Look for information on your favorite artists, songs, and style of music.
- ACT Test Prep
- Sample tests, tips, and other information from ACT, Inc.
- Collegeboard.com: SAT
- A full-length SAT practice test and scoring guide.
- Health Information from FDA for Teens
- Health information from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Includes articles on topics like playing a sport with exercise-induced asthma, how loud music affects your ears, and how to prevent STD's. From FDA Consumer Magazine.
- U.S. News.Com Education
- A very useful source for students selecting a college or university
- TeenSpace @ The Internet Public Library
- Find many resources for homework and fun.